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Szkolenia wstępne BHP
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Teacher and Academic Lecturer - Online test - Sample exam questions and answers
1 . Supervision and control over compliance with labor law is exercised by:
A. Supreme Chamber of Control
B. National Labor Inspectorate
C. Prosecutor's Office
2 . An accident at work is any event:
A. Causing injury or death of an employee
B. Sudden, external cause causing injury or death and remaining in connection with work
C. Causing incapacity to work
3 . Who is responsible for the state of health and safety at work in the University:
A. Safety Inspector
B. Any employee
C. Rector
4 . The rector may temporarily suspend classes in the college if the temperature in the halls is below:
A. 16°C
B. 18°C
C. 20°C
5 . The teacher of the Higher school has the right to annual leave for:
A. 26 working days
B. 30 working days
C. 36 working days
6 . Higher education teachers are employed on the basis of:
A. Only employment contracts
B. Contracts of employment or appointment
C. Appointment only
7 . To apply for a health recovery leave, the high school teacher may seek to have worked in the college at least:
A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
8 . The technical condition of the machinery, equipment, general condition of the laboratory, workshop or specialist laboratory shall be checked:
A. At least once per academic year
B. Each time before the beginning of the teaching and admission of staff and students
C. Every 3 months
9 . For the safety of students and doctoral candidates while teaching classes responsible is:
A. The Rector
B. Pro Rectors
C. The persons carrying out these activities
10 . Stress at work is one of the following factors:
A. Dangerous
B. Cumbersome
C. Physical
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